Review: AfterMarket Power Supply upgrade - The TeraDak
2013-05-26 20:34:04 UTC
TeraDak DC-30W – Aint no dinosaur

The TeraDak DC-30W is an after-market power supply unit design
specifically to basically supply a 5v USB power supply and as such, is
ideal for something such as the Squeeze Box Touch.

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I got started on this because I wanted a better quality of sound for my
SqBoxTouch. I spend much of my time listing to the FM radio in the
background and with the acquisition of the SBT around Christmas last
year, I was hooked. I just wanted to make it better. In time, I hope to
continue improving the overall sound quality, once I have transferred my
CD collection to hard disk.

My system is comprised of SBT to NAD 3020 amplifier and Mordaunt Short
speakers. I do plan to get better quality sound but needed to walk
before I could run.
In around February of this year, while surfing the Net, I purchased a
TeraDak used off ebay for £90ish which I thought was worth a punt.

I did have to mess around a bit as my TeraDak was missing the cable
because it was a used item. Fear not. I got a technical friend to solder
a connector where my friend soldered a USB socket > dc power plug –
stuff he had lying around. Only cost me a few cans of the amber nectar.

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Source: TeraDak website

The music that I listened to was Internet Radio – techno and 80s music.
I also listened to audio files through an SD card inserted into the

I listen to Adele and Emile Sande and a bit of classical in the evening
or when I am stressed out. My wife listens to Norah Jones a lot and
other jazz such as Nina Simone From the SD card, we definitely enjoyed
the TeraDak more and both thought that it was worth the ticket price.

Primarily, the music is more relaxing to listen to, less edgy.

- Definitely improvement in enjoyment factor – but improvements come
more from listening to higher quality files than through streamed
internet radio. So if you listen to almost pure internet radio, then you
may not get the ‘full hit’ of the TeraDak.
- For entry price, this is very good for the money.

- Not a night and day improvement. Just that the overall presentation of
the music is more palatable.
- It is a bit large and unwieldy next to the SBT (for sure, the missus
does not like the look)

I would say that for the £90 I paid, this was a worthwhile sonic
improvement to the overall package of the SBT as I paid ~£220.

Here is a picture of the insides.

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easy and I didnt want to damage it.
Source: TeraDak website - I tried to open it up but it wasnt

Specifications (source:
• Product Specification
o Output : 5V DC @ ~ 3A
o Input power: 115V/230V AC
• Features
o low-noise linear regulated power supply to upgrade Squeezebox
Touch/SB3 perfectly
o High quality R-core transformer
o EMI filter for reducing AC power noise
o High quality power regulation with Panasonic FM capacitors

Sorry there are no measurements as I dont have the technical know-how.
Also, ABX is not happening either. For me, I am just listen to it and if
I like it, it stays in. If I dont it goes. This is just one person's
experience, nothing more, nothing less.

squiggywidggy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=58391
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=98852
2013-05-27 08:28:12 UTC
Post by squiggywidggy
Sorry there are no measurements as I dont have the technical know-how.
Also, ABX is not happening either. For me, I am just listen to it and if
I like it, it stays in. If I dont it goes. This is just one person's
experience, nothing more, nothing less.
Fair enough - we will take it as just that. I just wish that someone who
has the know-how and equipment, or at least the willingness to do ABX,
would verify if there actually is any actual improvement in sound. I
would be more than happy to do it, but I am not likely to splash out
$200 on a rather bulky and not very aesthetically pleasing box that
mainly turns electrical power into wasted heat... :)

Julf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=42050
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=98852
2013-07-13 10:20:32 UTC
Thanks Julf.

Been away for work so back and a little bit more active on improving my

Even if we did an ABX, there would still be people who dont believe it
so I am of the opinion that the more you try to 'prove' something, the
worse it gets.

Take it for what it is - some dude enjoying tunes and found a better
way. It may not be up your alley but hey, no great shakes.

squiggywidggy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=58391
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=98852
2013-07-13 12:41:34 UTC
Post by squiggywidggy
Take it for what it is - some dude enjoying tunes and found a better
way. It may not be up your alley but hey, no great shakes.
Fair enough - but it doesn't help me decide if it is a worthwhile
improvement or not.

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953
Julf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=42050
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=98852
Waldo Pepper
2013-07-22 15:15:18 UTC
It wouldn't pass any electrical safety tests where I work.

Heat shrink isn't there to look pretty. It's there to prevent wiring
springing onto other connections should the solder joints fail (which
they do with age and shock). There isn't any on the earth wire to the

The wiring to the PCB should be further secured with a compound like
RTV3145 sealant (NOT heat gun glue) or Captain tape. Those wires are
tightly packed putting extra stress on the joints.

The jumpers on the PCB are not secured to prevent them falling off.
Again RTV would do the job.

On a closer look, it doesn't appear to have neutral on the mains IEC
connector connected. This will trip any RCD.

Waldo Pepper's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39029
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=98852
2013-07-27 10:33:27 UTC
Thanks Waldo. very interesting!

The latest update from my end is that I contacted the reviewer from
Enjoy the Music of the Metrum DAC and asked him a few questions and the
iUSB Power supply cropped up.

I have borrowed an iUSB Power and am in the process of auditioning it.

They have some internal shots here.

What do you think?


squiggywidggy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=58391
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=98852